About us
Basis of faith
We have adopted the ‘Basis of Faith’ of the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC). The Basis of Faith outlines the beliefs and position of St Aidan’s Church on essential matters that relate to the exercise of our Christian faith.
Click on the link to view the CEEC Basis of Faith.
Evangelical Alliance
We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance.
Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC)
Hull 2030
We are part of HULL 2030, a growing partnership of churches working together in Hull to inspire and encourage church planting initiatives across the city and region.
Mission Partners
Below are the mission partners we are financially committed to supporting in 2024-2026:
Specifically supporting Revd Adam Young ministering in Japan.
For more information: https://www.youtube.com/@newlifejapan
Philippines Church Assistance Programme
CAP provides interest-free loans to churches, most recently planted churches, for church building, construction and renovation. This allows new churches to continue growing. As the money is repaid back, more churches can be helped.
For more information: Church Assistance Programme Facebook Page
Inside Out Rehab
A Christian charity based in Hull that exists to enable recovering addicts to live free from addiction and its effects.
For more information: https://insideout-rehab.org/
Eternal Benefits, Hull
Their vision as a charity is to see God given transformation for the people in the estates of Hull, from chaos, isolation and hopelessness to stability, community and fullness of life.
For more information: https://eternalbenefits.org/
Hull YFC
A Christian youth and community work in Hull.
For more information: https://www.hullyfc.co.uk